- 1300 131 884
- www.astris-pmegroup.com.au
- 30 Prime Drive, Seven Hills NSW 2147
Dejay National Dealer Partners
We have a partner in your local area. Please contact your local Dealer below and book a trial with their team.

Astris - PME Sydney

Better Mobility
- 02 6921 1000
- www.bettermobility.com.au
- Unit 1/17 Lake Albert Road, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650

Active Mobility
- 02 9649 2111
- www.activemobility.com.au
- Unit 8, 110-120 Silverwater Rd, Silverwater NSW 2128

Astris PME Group Melbourne
- 1300 131 884
- www.astris-pmegroup.com.au
- 9 Katherine Drive, Ravenhall VIC 3023

Special Needs Solutions
- 07 5597 4321
- www.specialneedssolutions.com.au
- Unit 4, 15 Industrial Avenue, Molendinar QLD 4214

Access Rehab Equipment
- 07 5500 0882
- www.wickedwheelchairs.com.au
- 1/11 Gateway Circuit, Coomera QLD 4209

Professional Assistance for Living
- 08 7092 4555
- 0434 339 910
- www.pafl.com.au
- 941 Port Road, Cheltenham SA 5014

Good Life Medical
- 08 9331 8377
- www.goodlifemedical.com.au
- Unit 3/25 Stockdale Road, O’Connor WA 6163

Keep Moving (Alice Springs)
- 08 8952 3599
- www.keepmoving.net.au
- 4 Colson Street, Alice Springs NT 0870

Allied Medical Limited
- 0800 31 61 81
- www.alliedmedical.co.nz
- 29 Triton Dr, Rosedale, Auckland 0620 NZ
We have earned a reputation as a well-known and reliable supplier who provides full back-up and service support for our entire product range.
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