The EZ rider is a compact, lightweight, folding stroller.
It has similar features to the Cruiser however, the EZ rider is more suitable for individuals who have some degree of upper body control due to the more upright seat and back angle.
It also consists of a patented folding mechanism which opens wider with the user’s weight, keeping the fabric taut to prevent the chair slumping and accidentally folding closed whilst a user is in it. Also available in a transit model with motor vehicle tie down anchors, H-Harness with padded covers, heel loop ankle cuffs and headrest extension.
The perfect chair for active children and teenagers.
Standard features include:
- 10 degree of fixed tilt
- Self-tensioning seating system
- 5 years growth capabilities
- 4 Seat widths available
- Seat depth and growth adjustment
- Seat to footrest adjustment
- 100º Seat to back angle
- Swing away foot plates
- Flip back armrests
- Heavy duty seat with weight capacity up to 114Kg
- Lap seat belt
- Transport models available
- Various options and accessories available
- Custom built to your specifications
We offer a full assessment service as well as a free trial.
Please complete our online enquiry form and request an assessment.
Together we can tailor a solution that fits your unique needs and abilities.